Simple Session: A Wild Ride on the Edge

Kevin Kowalski

Every goddamn year, for one wild-ass weekend, Tallinn throws its mad footprint onto the worldwide skate map – and it's the Simple Session, man! Skaters from the frickin' ends of the Earth are gearing up for the pilgrimage to this small Baltic nut-house. But this ain't just about a colossal competition, hell no! It's a mind-bending odyssey through the psychedelic vortex of gnarly side events that'll detonate your consciousness.

Nils-Eerik Vesberg and Meelis Erm

Aaron "JAWS" Homoki

 Picture this: Freedom Square, where insanity meets concrete. Skate modules sprout up on the grand stairs, rails snake through the place, a colossal pyramid/gap-style monstrosity looms, and a goddamn sick wall ride that defies gravity. Locals like Kristo Õismets, Rain Lindemann, and Meelis Erm were on a cosmic trip. Jarmo Kangro pulled some wizardry, but man, he eats concrete, skull-meets-hard-ground style. Yet, he rised the next day, like some twisted resurrection.

Jarmo Kangro

The pros? Oh, they're here to warp reality! Aaron "JAWS" Homoki, Evan Dineen, Kevin Kowalski, and all the Blood Wizard crew join forces with Yurii Korotun from Ukraine, and a badass Latvian squad with Niklavs Vetra and Artūrs Bogdanovičs, and more. They're forging fun in a crucible of chaos!

Kevin Kowalski

Tim Aguilar

Rain Lindemann

Next on the agenda, the notorious Skoone Bastion – the epicenter for a downhill showdown. Speed freaks tear it up, and Kowalski, that madman, clocks in as the fastest.

Dane Burman

Yurii Korotun

Then, it's on! A beast of a rail, conquered by only two lunatics before. Fricis Štrauss from Latvia? Hell yeah, he tamed that monster, having helped fix the park last summer. Julian Agliardi, a wild child, joins the fray, conquering the beast with a final landing that's straight out of a nightmare. Nolan Miskell and Jaws ? Other madmen to add to the fearless warriors list!

Julian Agliardi

Fricis Štrauss

Qualifying days turn into a House of Marsten and LHV Bank collaboration, birthing the weirdest "mini" ramp these eyes ever laid on in Estonia. It's a freak show, man – here's a wild recap of that trip.

Tristan Rennie

Buckle up, and enjoy the ride!

Words and photos by Nicolas Bouvy

Kevin Kowalski 

Toomas Seppänen and Rain Lindemann

Enric and Kevin Kowalski

Onni Saltevo

Rūdolfs Rorbahs and Julian Agliardi

Onni Saltevo and Cristian Navarette

Meelis Erm and Kevin Kowalski

Madars Apse

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