words and photos by Nicolas Bouvy
This year it’s celebration time! The infamous Vert Attack is finally back. The funniest and gnarliest Vert contest on earth has returned!! Our favourite riders are gonna be there, they also have the women’s category and it’s so sick, as they always had in last years. The masters and veterans which I cannot wait to see!!! The contestants flying to the roof trying to reach Jocke Airlines! At the best skate-school on earth, the Bryggeriet, in Malmö, one school Alice would wish not to be “Out for the summer” ever!!! Cannot wait to hear again Stan Pontus and Sean Goff behind the mic and the crazy Danes in the crowd!!
Damn, just pure happiness!! If, like me, you can’t make it to Sweden this year, do just follow Saturday’s webcast on Bryggeriet’s channel and invite your friends to make a big party at home, so your couch gonna remember 1st of April is VA Talent 2023, the greatest vertical freak show on earth!
See below, during my 2 visits of the contest in 2014 and 2016, some of my all time unforgettable moments in photography.
Just pure joy, now enjoy!

Vert Attack 2014. Ben Schroeder

Vert Attack 2016. Nicky Guerrero

Vert Attack 2016. Mark “RED” Scott.

Vert Attack 2014. Sean Goff, with a toddtwist

Vert Attack 2016. Jocke Olson

Vert Attack 2016. Darren Navarrette

Vert Attack 2016. Lizzie Armanto

Vert Attack 2016. Jeff Hedges

Vert Attack 2016. Chris Russell

Vert Attack 2016. John Magnusson

Vert Attack 2016. Clay Kreiner

Vert Attack 2014. Kevin Staab

Vert Attack 2016. Mike Frazier

Vert Attack 2016. Matt Dove

Vert Attack 2014. Peter Hewitt
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