Night Wood
It’s Monday morning, you still have no pants on.
Thinking of tricks you dream and you never gonna land,
Spending the whole night with hardwood on.
Dreamin’ of the perfect setup you can get your hands on,
Sleep only came after listening to “Uncontrollable urge” in loop.

Your terrible twos still not over,
Your quarter-life crisis still in its early stage,
Mid-life crisis is your way of life,
All your friends told you, it’s time to quit,
But the wooden toy can’t quit giving you the Nightwood.
Thinking of tricks you dream and you never gonna land,
Spending the whole night with hardwood on.
Dreamin’ of the perfect setup you can get your hands on,
Sleep only came after listening to “Uncontrollable urge” in loop.

Your terrible twos still not over,
Your quarter-life crisis still in its early stage,
Mid-life crisis is your way of life,
All your friends told you, it’s time to quit,
But the wooden toy can’t quit giving you the Nightwood.

We got you covered !
Nightwood Skateboards is here ready for you to keep on !
Put your kids to bed, kiss your partner goodbye, grab a fresh Brewski
It’s time to grind ! Call your best buddies.
Go to your unfavourite local park,
Complain about little scooter kids, stealing your line at all cost,
Rail on yourself this park has zero coping.
Notice your back already hurts after 20 minutes,
Realise you forgot your Sixpack in the bus-stop.
The perfect session is on !
Don’t forget your muscle hot cream !
Nightwood Skateboards are here with you!
It’s time go bionic !

Support your local weirdo !
Support Nightwood Skateboards,
First “Windy Air” model is available now!
We kind of need you to do this!
No need to resist
Go steal change from your mum's wallet
Come buy our shit !
Ibuprofen and Paracetamol not included.

Nicolas Bouvy